Music and Entertainment

Pine Castle Pioneer Days is known in Central Florida for its presentations of live music throughout the 2 day event.  This year we are excited about the entertainers that have agreed to be with us.  As in past years we will proudly have the "History Tent" where you can learn about the deep heritage in our communities.  Vintage Baseball is back and come early on Saturday for our car show.  There will be demonstrations by some living history presenters all day.  Too much to get into detail here so come on out and find out for yourself.

On Stage Schedule

Our Performers
(Select an image to learn more)

Bear and Robert

Hard To Port

Billy Floyd

Celery City

The Ashley Gang

Terri Binion

Paul Smithson

Fire in the Orchard

Brittani Mueller

Justin Mason and BlueNight

Brian Smalley

Rambler Kane


The History Tent

Sponsored by the Pine Castle Historical Society
A staple of our event is the History Tent where local historians present various talks and presentations about past events and people who influenced the communities of Pine Castle and surrounding areas. 

Schedule for Saturday, February 22, 2025
Celebrating George Washington’s 293rd Birthday
(22 February 1732 – 22 February 2025)

  • 11 AM - Rick Cronin starts off the 2025 Speakers Series with The Orlando Corridor, a presentation on the historical passageway 150 miles in length, established during the 19th century by pioneers, many of whom were descendants of American Revolution Patriots.
  • Noon - Phil Cross of Winter Garden’s Central Florida Railroad Museum will present Central Florida Citrus Packinghouses; how this early Citrus Belt Industry, established along historic railroad lines of the 19th and 20th centuries, shaped this region’s landscape as we know it today.
  • 1 PM - Elaine Powell, Regent of the William Pope Duval Chapter of The Daughters of the American Revolution, will discuss the vital role the NSDAR plays in preserving American history, and of how the DAR continues to spotlight the role descendants of Patriots have played in local history.
  • 2 PM - Phil Markoe of the Central Florida Sons of the American Revolution Chapter will present The Philadelphia Light Horse Troop; the oldest continuously mounted unit in the United States, a unit that came to be known as Washington’s Guard.
Schedule for Sunday, February 23, 2025
  • 11 AM - Bob Grenier, Author, Historian and former Mayor of Tavares will speak on the exciting progress underway to create the Ethel Pioneer Village in Lake County’s Ethel State Park at Rock Springs Reserve. The Friends of Ethel will be on hand to share their vision for preserving local history..
  • Noon - David Whittaker of the Tri-County Historical Appreciation & Preservation Society will share the role his Fruitland Park based Society is playing in bringing together history organizations in Lake, Marion & Sumter Counties to keep the amazing history of Central Florida alive and well.
  • 1 PM - Rosie the Riveter: Angie Morthland, well-known for her entertaining Women in the Workplace During World War II presentation, will tell of the extraordinary role women played in the 1940s.
  • 2 PM - Bennett Lloyd, Coordinator, Seminole County History Museum, will talk on the history of Pine Castle’s northerly neighbor, the one-time Gateway to Orange County, where most every pioneer of Central and South Florida first stepped foot in America’s 19th Century Paradise.

Elsewhere on the grounds

Not So Young Guns

East Florida Rangers

Boy Scout encampment

Awkward Baseball

Horse Rides

Bounce House

Old Timers Tent

Car Show (Sat only)

Sunrise Service (Sun only)

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